What is a standard?

Developed by consensus and collectively, a standard is a technical reference document that defines technical specifications, guidelines and practices for products, equipment goods or services. It is the result of contributions from all players in the sector: manufacturers, equipment suppliers, independent garages, users, public authorities, local authorities, consumers, etc.

The standard aims to:

  • Propose solutions to technical and commercial issues;
  • Represent the state of the art (at a given point in time);
  • Develop interoperability (languages, components);
  • Optimise customer/supplier relations and simplify technical specifications;
  • In some cases, to support public policies (French or European).

Standards are voluntary, with some exceptions. In the latter case, the standard in question must be referred to in a Regulation. They are intended to support innovations developed by economic players.

How is a standard developed?

A standard is developed through successive contributions and consultations. The validity of a published standard is periodically assessed.

ISO/TC 22 Road vehicles

ISO/TC 22 Road vehicles is composed of 11 subcommittees (SC) and 72 working groups (WG).
All the structures (committees and working groups) are managed by the most active countries. BNA manages ISO/TC 22 and subcommittee SC36 Safety and crash tests, the latter with an American chair.